[SHARE] Cardano Stake Pool

Name: Bastian Th. (SPO)
Email: sharepool.crypto@gmail.com
Location: Berlin, Germany
Website: www.share-pool.com
Twitter: @share_pool
Telegram: @share_pool

Mission: SHARE’s mission is all about sharing. We want to provide optimal rewards to our delegators, we are giving away to charity, and we share knowledge on the Cardano blockchain ecosystem. Therefore, we make two pledges to our delegators and to the Cardano community.

Our two pledges:

  1. We transparently donate a portion of the rewards to charity, as 25 percent of the income from the variable fee will be given to projects in developing countries listed on betterplace.org. All donations will be transparently communicated through our twitter channel.
  1. We operate only one stake pool, in order to support the decentralization of Cardano (info). Therefore, we might adjust the variable fee to incentivise that SHARE thrives towards saturation for optimal rewards to our delegators.

How we share knowledge: For now, we provide knowledge on Cardano through the twitter accounts @builtoncardano & @share_pool, the instagram account share.pool, as well as through our blog on this website. Once the stake pool is more established, we will expand our efforts.