RADAR stake pool [RADAR]


Name: Sully and BD
Email: RADARstakepool@gmail.com
Location: Wilmington, NC, USA
Website: http://radarstakepool.org
Twitter: @radarstakepool

Mission: Cryptocurrency has the potential to give people control over their identity and finances in a way never previously available.  Powers that be tend to look upon crypto as a threat, but mainly because people fear the unknown.  As much as some in cryptocurrency have seemingly adversarial relationships with central governments, it is incredibly important that we educate those in power as to the global benefits cryptocurrency can provide. Without support, regulations will serve to crush blockchain innovation.  We currently are contributing 10% to www.coincenter.org as the leading education/advocacy group working to influence future policy.

Extra Info about you?: I am a physician who is a programing hobbyist. Ultimately I would like to build a team for the development of a Cardano-blockchain supported medical records system. I feel the blockchain would provide the ideal privacy and portability solution for an individual’s ownership and transference of their own health care information.