Mokum Stake Pool [MOKUM]

Name: Fabian
Location Amsterdam, the Netherlands


I am donating the pool’s profit to Save the Children, which was founded on the belief that every child deserves to grow up without violence, disease or hunger – a cause I feel strongly about. Save the Children is an NGO I have come to know as a very professional organization with integrity to its values, and that uses its donations efficiently and effectively to create a better future for children around the world. On top of that, Save the Children accepts donations in ADA, maximizing the impact of donations made by Mokum Stake Pool!

About Us:

My name is Fabian and I’m running my stake pool from the beautiful city of Amsterdam. I am excited to contribute to the Cardano project and the many possibilities it offers to bring about positive global change. I especially support Cardano’s mission to create accessible financial services for all, which is a goal near and dear to my heart.