[Aloop] AdaLoop


Name: Marian B.
Email: adalooppool at gmail dot com
Location: Canada
Website: https://adaloop.org/
Twitter: @AdaLoopPool
Telegram: https://t.me/AdaLoop

Mission: Enable Play and Improve the lives of people with disabilities. 20% of rewards will be donated to AbleGamers.

With Covid pandemic we all realized the negative effects of social isolation. Now, imagine impaired people who live their entire life in isolation. Gaming can make their lives better and fun and I believe this is the perfect time to raise awareness and promote AbleGamers mission. #SoEveryoneCanGame

Extra Info about you?: IT pro working in the industry for over 20 years across various technologies. A veteran gamer who started with Pacman, went through Call of Duty and is now playing Eve Online for the last 5 years.

I believe in the same ideas and principles as CH. To Give something back and to make the world a better place for everyone.

My wish to help AbleGamers Foundation started in 2019 at a Fundraiser where I learned about their mission, who they are and what they do.