LIFT – A Cardano Stake Pool [LIFT]

Name:  Kyle Johns
Twitter: @LiftStakePool
Location: United States

Mission: LIFT Stake Pool donates 25% of pool fees to Charity. LIFT’s focus is to spread the power of Cardano while giving back to our communities. Charities will be voted on and picked by the cardano community in the future.

About Me: I’m a husband, father, programmer and all around nerd. My main passion is programming. Ever since I learned C++ in college, I realized it was for me. I’ve now been programming professionally for over 10 years. The funny thing though is ended up getting a degree in Radiation Protection. I discovered cryptocurrency in 2013. A friend and I starting mining Bitcoin as a hobby. We put together a janky 6 GPU rig that sat in a milk crate. Fast forward to 2017 when I watched CH whiteboard video. I picked up ADA pretty much immediately. I started LIFT as a way to get involved more with Cardano. I believe Cardano has a lot to offer to the world. I’ve always enjoyed helping overs whether it’s with my time, ringing a bell for Salvation Army, or with my money, helping a grade school teacher with basic supplies to teach her students. I believe if you can help you should help. We are all just trying to make it in this crazy world.  I saw stake pools as a unique way to help others.