Piggy Bank [PIGGY]
Name: Eddie
Email: adapiggybank@gmail.com
Twitter: @ADA_PIGGY
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Website: http://piggy.trendingpools.com
Mission: I am a software engineer for the past 16 years and have only recently become involved in crypto currency. I found Cardano and and realized that I could use my skills to run a stake pool and help raise funds for things I think are important. I am currently looking to help Gavi Vaccine alliance. I live in the UK where we are vaccinating a lot of the population, but this is not the case with most of the world and won’t be for a long time, so I would like to help where I can. I will donate 20% of my pool fees to GAVI for the duration of the COVID19 pandemic. Unfortunately I believe this will be quite some while.
I also believe that education is very important at young ages. I didn’t study computing science until I was an adult, but feel if I was introduced to it at a young age I would have loved it and started my career much sooner. The Raspberry Pi foundation is a charitable organization and have a lot of high quality educational material for children. I will be donating 20% of the pool fees to support them also.
About Me: I love to socialize and enjoy talking about tech and playing poker. I have also started running frequently to try to keep fit..