Responsible Staking [VITAL]

Name: Markus
Location: Austria
Twitter: @ResponsibleSta3

Mission: Our mission is to support social stability. The development of Crime is rising constantly. The main reason for this is social imbalances with several contributing factors. One key factor is by bad integration of displaced persons and refugees. Providing education and work for refugees is a key element to fight social imbalances and increase safety. To support exactly those 2 key aspects our first donation goes to Lobby16 which is providing education to refugees and also helps finding a Job and therefore being better integrated.
We want to make the world a safer place for all of us.

Extra info about me
:  I’m an IT professional. I started 15 years ago with development. Walked through all variations of technical and people related job titles. Think I have an interdisciplinary view and want to use this to run this undergoing. The passion for social improvements is important for me to create a safe environment for us and our children.